Report on the Workshop “Git and GitHub”

Objective of the Webinar:

The objective of the Git and GitHub Workshop for students was to familiarize participants with the fundamental concepts and practical usage of version control systems, specifically Git, and collaborative software development platform GitHub and prepare students for careers in the software Design Engineer.

A one-day webinar on “Git and GitHub” was organized by department of Computer Science and Engineering S.E.A College of Engineering and Technology Bangalore on 30th December 2023 by Assistant Professor Mr. Minaz I in Department CSE Seminar Hall. The timings for the Session were 9:30 am to 12.30 pm. The Webinar was arranged for Pre final year of CSE, ISE, IOT and AI & ML Department (5 th Semester). Nearly 50 students participated in this webinar. Feedback forms were collected from students through online. The webinar was highly informative to students. Thus, webinar provided valuable awareness and insights on the various aspects of Software field.


Through this session, students will:

  • Understand the importance of version control in software development and collaboration.
  • Learn the basic principles and terminology of Git, including repositories, commits, branches, merges, and remotes.
  • Gain hands-on experience with Git commands for initializing repositories, staging changes, committing code, branching, merging, and resolving conflicts.
  • Explore the features and functionalities of GitHub, including repository management, collaboration tools, pull requests, and issue tracking.
  • Learn best practices for effective collaboration using Git and GitHub, such as branch management strategies, code review processes, and project organization techniques.
  • Acquire practical skills to contribute to open-source projects and collaborate with peers using Git and GitHub.
  • Understand the role of Git and GitHub in modern software development workflows.
  • Gain confidence in using Git and GitHub as essential tools for managing code, tracking changes, and collaborating on software projects effectively.
  • By the end of the session, participants were equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to utilize Git and GitHub proficiently in their academic and professional endeavours, fostering efficient collaboration and facilitating the development of high-quality software projects.
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