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Mechanical Engineering

BE - Mechanical Engineering

The necessity to design and produce everything from tiny individual parts to enormous structures gives rise to the diversity of mechanical engineering. A mechanical engineer's job is to bring an idea for a product to market. A variety of abilities are required to complete this. A mechanical engineer must develop specific abilities and information. The capacity to evaluate and create moving things and systems may be the only expertise that belongs exclusively to mechanical engineers.

Students have access to a wide range of job choices outside of some of the businesses mentioned above thanks to the breadth of the mechanical engineering subject. No matter what career path they intend to take after graduation, their education will have equipped them with the innovative thinking necessary to develop an intriguing product or system, the analytical tools necessary to meet their design objectives, the capacity to overcome any obstacles, and the teamwork required to develop, market, and produce a system.

To comprehend mechanical systems, mechanical engineers study materials, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transport, control, instrumentation, design, and manufacture. Energy conversion, laser-assisted materials processing, combustion, MEMS, microfluidic devices, fracture mechanics, nanomechanics, mechanisms, micropower production, tribology (friction and wear), and vibrations are some of the specialized mechanical engineering topics.

The field of mechanical engineering is thought to be the most diverse of all engineering specialties. It has a significant impact on a variety of industries, including but not limited to those in the automotive, aerospace, biomedical, computer, electronics, microelectromechanical, energy conversion, environmental, and bio-medical fields, automation, and manufacturing sectors. In other words, mechanical engineering is actually used in all sectors of the economy and is regarded as a field that is strongly tied to how people live their daily lives.

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Our Vision

To be recognized as a provider of Quality education in Mechanical Engineering with Advance, Innovative and Competitive Skills, Nurturing them with Professional and social values through research and Academic Excellence.

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Our Mission

Mission 1: To be recognized as a provider of Quality education in Mechanical Engineering with Advance, Innovative and Competitive Skills, Nurturing them with Professional and social values through research and Academic Excellence.

Mission 2: To create an environment for progressive learning through industry-Institute Partnership.

Mission 3: Imbibing social and Ethical values in student, Staff and Faculty through Personal development Programs.

Mission 4: Providing Research, educating and training in Mechanical Engineering and other Multidisciplinary area.

Programme Education Objectives (PEOs)

Programme Education Objectives (PEOs)

PEO1: Graduates will become professional mechanical engineer starting-up and growing their own new firms or to become recognized experts working in government, consulting firms and international organizations around the country and around the world.

PEO2: Graduates will become leading researchers and professionals who create and disseminate new knowledge addressing some of the most challenging problems of our times.

PEO3: Graduates will pursue lifelong learning to upgrade the knowledge and skill continuously to meet the ever changing industrial demands and social needs in global market.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PSO : 1 An understanding of fundamentals, design, analysis and applications in the fields of thermal engineering, material aspects, manufacturing m, management using various modern tools and techniques.

PSO : 2 To develop products/components related to mechanical engineering and allied fields.

PSO : 3 An ability to solve engineering problems and work in industry, R&D organizations and institutions of higher learning in mechanical engineering and related areas.

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Programme Outcomes (POs)

Apply basic knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering principles to solve technical problems.

Design and analyze a system component, or process to meet desired needs in Mechanical Engineering.

Design a system and conduct experiments to find suitable solution in the field of mechanical engineering.

Identify, visualize, formulate and solve engineering problems in the field of mechanical Engineering.

Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice with appropriate considerations for societal and environmental constraints.

Apply their fundamental field skills towards the understanding of the impact of engineering solutions on the society in a global and social context.

Impart knowledge of contemporary issues about society and environment.

Apply ethical principles and responsibilities during professional practice.

Function on multi disciplinary teams as a team member/leader and create user friendly environment.

Communicate effectively in oral, written, visual and graphic modes within interpersonal, team, and group environments.

Apply the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering projects.

Recognize the need for professional advancement by engaging in lifelong learning.

COs of Department of Mechanical Engineering (Sub: Design of Machine Elements)

COs of Department of Mechanical Engineering (Sub: Design of Machine Elements)

CO1: Understand simple, compound, thermal stresses and strains their relations and strain energy.

CO2: Analyze structural members for stresses, strains and deformations.

CO3: Analyze the structural members subjected to bending and shear loads.

CO4: Analyze shafts subjected to twisting loads.

CO5: Analyze the short columns for stability.

Details Download

Mech Syllabus 2022 Scheme


Mech 2022 Scheme


Mech Syllabus 2021 Scheme


Mech Syllabus 2018 Scheme


Head of the Department & Faculties


Name Achievement Activity Type
Dr. Niranjan Hugar Successfully completed his Ph.D. Viva Voce Ph.D. Viva Voce
Dr. Manjunath K Patent : Utilization of Solar System Using IOT for Industrial Application 4.0
[Indian Patent Application Number: 202141029672]
Indian Patent
Mr. Kuberagouda S B Eco Kart Series- BML Munjal University,
Manesar, India
Eco Kart Series - National Level
Mr. Kuberagouda S B National Conference on Imperative Ideas in Engineering and
Science 2018
National Conference
Mr. Ramesh S Bujari | Dr. Suresha P | Mr. Kuberagouda S B “Working Principles of I.C Engines with hands
on session”
Dr.Manjunath K | Mr. Kuberagouda S B
| Mr. Sunil D
Advanced Materials for Engg. and Management Applications - BIT Blore 2023 International Conference
Dr. Manjunath K | Mr S SIngaravelu | Mr Hemakesha N
|Mr. Sunil D
Emerging Trends in Engg.,Technology and Management -CIT Blore 2023 National Level Conference

Patent : Utilization of Solar System Using IOT for Industrial Application 4.0 [Indian Patent Application Number: 202141029672]


Indian Patent


Eco Kart Series- BML Munjal University, Manesar, India


National Level Conference


National Conference on Imperative Ideas in Engineering and Science 2018




“Working Principles of I.C Engines with hands on session”




Advanced Materials for Engg. and Management Applications - BIT Blore 2023


International Conference


Emerging Trends in Engg.,Technology and Management -CIT Blore 2023


National Level Conference


Activity Year Activity Name Faculty Activity Type
2017 Faculty Development Program”On “Biofuels Mr. Kuberagouda Faculty Development Program
2019 ONE DAY Faculty Development Program” On “Writing A Research Paper” Mr. Kuberagouda Faculty Development Program
2020 Outcome Based Education And NBA Accreditation Mr. Kuberagouda 5 Days Workshop
2022 Navadhara (Intra Technical Project Competition) Mr. Kuberagouda Intra college Technical Project Competition
2023 Navadhara (Intra Technical Project Competition) Mr. Sunil D & Team Intra college Technical Project Competition
2023 Project Management for Career Growth Mr. Kuberagouda Seminar
Activity Year


Activity Type

Faculty Development Program

Activity Year


Activity Type

Faculty Development Program

Activity Year


Activity Type

5 Days Workshop

Activity Year


Activity Type

Intra college Technical Project Competition

Activity Year


Activity Type

Intra college Technical Project Competition

Activity Year


Activity Type

